If you lose your card or if it has been stolen, please block it via the app right away by following these steps:
- Log into your Glint App;
- Drag down the ‘Balances’ and ‘Top Stories’ section so you can see your full card; and
- Select the ‘Freeze’ button under your card. You will see your card appear frozen.
If you are unable to block your card via the app, you will then need to contact us at support@glintpay.com. You need to do this to prevent your funds being accessed. When you notify us, we will order you a new card. Unless you have acted fraudulently or with intent or gross negligence, you will only be liable for a maximum of £35 (or the equivalent in the currency of your card) up until the time you inform us that your card has been lost or stolen. You will not be liable for any losses that occur on your card after you have informed us that is has been lost or stolen. Once reported we will cancel the card and order a new one for you. It will be sent to the address we have on file so if you’ve moved you need to make sure you change your address.