If your bank allows you to submit a wire transfer through their online banking you can follow the steps below. Some bank require you to make an appointment with them in the branch, you will have to verify what your bank offers with your bank.
- Login to your bank’s online/mobile banking.
- Select Wire transfers section.
- Go to Schedule Transfer.
- Here you will add your Glint account as a recipient. Your Glint account is a personal, domestic checking account.
- Enter your account information in the recipient section and click Next.
- Account name: Enter your name or “Glint Pay” (Disregard reference number)
- Glint Account Number (To locate, select USD wallet in the Glint app and select Fund at bottom of page and then select Wire, the account number will start with 233)
- Routing Number: 041208777
- Once you have added your Glint account as a recipient, you can schedule a wire transfer by selecting the Glint account, filling the amount you would like to transfer, any additional information in the notes section (if applicable) and click on Next to finalize the wire transfer request.
- Please note that your bank will likely have a fee for wire transfers which is separate from the Glint fee of $25.00 for wires.
*Some steps may vary, but the above should be very close. If you need further instruction on your specific bank’s wire transfer set up, please contact your bank.