If you do not recognize any activity on your card, please immediately freeze your card via the app by following these steps.
- Log into your Glint app.
- Drag down the Balances and Top Stories section so you can see your full card.
- Select the "Freeze" button under your card. You will see your card appear frozen.
Once your card has been suspended, please contact support_usa@glintpay.com or call +1 (877) 258 - 0181.
Please reach out to our support team right away so the matter can be resolved as swiftly as possible.
When you notify us, we will start the investigation into your dispute. When raising the transaction(s) please also include amount, date and merchant for all transactions in question. Please additionally advise if your card was in your possession at all times.
If you do not have access to your Glint App, please contact our client support right away.
If a replacement card is necessary, your replacement card will be sent to the address we have on file so if you’ve moved you need to make sure you change your address. If your card is mailed to the incorrect address, you may receive an additional charge to have your card redelivered.